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Aeroponics efficiently produces food, eliminating some of the worlds greatest disasters, pesticides and genetically modified foods.



A better place in the world. Our education has been one of humanities greatest achievements, providing individuals with years of work and thought, simplified so that even the youngest mind can learn. 

One of the current greatest disasters is the destruction of our planet by the careless motives of some of the largest producers. Pesticides, genetically modified foods, copyright infringement, all for the monetary profit with little to no long term benefits. World hunger is an urgent hardship, and with the right investment, we can tackle several of the worlds greatest questions and concerns with this plan.

Our education system should invest in green houses, and agricultural lands.

The best investment would be to incorporate agriculture and greenhouses in our educational system. Therefore, our students and citizens will have a better understanding of the production of food, sustainability, and life long skills.

What actions do you propose?

Our Universities, Colleges, and Schools, should invest in educating the Natural Laws of Nature. By investing in green houses, and agricultural lands, our students and citizens will have skills by understanding the production of food, sustainability, and life long skills. With this, we will have a land of more providers to match our consumers.

The style and architecture of each green house will be decided upon by each establishment. Therefore, several plans can be made based on this proposal.

There can be one large established green house, with about 10 small green houses, and one plot of agricultural land.

With the produce, the plants can be examined through microscopes, and even compared to local produce. The produce can be used to sell at the university grocery store, to supply a restaurant on campus, or even given to the students.

The educational courses should focus on food groups, vitamins, farming, tools, measurements(time, space, distance, dynamics), control, and much more. Cooking classes can also be an extension of the program.

Additionally, the roots of each plant will remain pure, thus allowing for a better understanding of the anatomy of a plant.

Who will take these actions?

Our Universities, Colleges, and Schools will take the lead.

Starting at the Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and onto the University and College.

Where will these actions be taken?

These actions will be implemented on our educational campuses. 

Starting at the Elementary School, Middle School, High School, and onto the University and College.

Ultimately, these skills and practices will then be taken home, producing more and saving costs.

How will these actions have a high impact in addressing climate change?

The product of aeroponics efficiently produces food, eliminating some of the worlds greatest disasters, pesticides and genetically modified foods. This will in turn save our bumble bees, insects, and the global order.

Although there are many other contributing factors to climate change, ridding our food and the world with one poison at a time will prove significant.

What are other key benefits?

The key benefits are:

  1. No Pesticides and No Genetically Modified Foods
  2. Happy Bumble Bees and Insects
  3. Happy Eco System
  4. Fresh Clean Produce
  5. People will learn how to grow their own food.
  6. This will be routinely taught so that generations can benefit.
  7. The format is visually and esthetically pleasing, reminiscent of pillars of heaven.
  8. The gardens will be better harnessed, thereby possessing the power of nature itself.

What are the proposal’s costs?

This is at the proposal stage. Depending on the architectural plan, and routine use, costs may vary.

The cost of a greenhouse structure varies greatly, from $30 to $3,000 and possibly more.

Considering a structure for K-12 and Universities, they might be different.

Kindergarten to 6th grade. Each class or grade should have their own greenhouse. As the years progress, kids will learn to plant a variety of food. Each child should be provided by the school, seeds, planters, soil, and other tools.

Universities should have a large greenhouse, almost like a setting for visitors. The establishment should be as important as a library. Making it as esthetically pleasing as possible should be a goal. There should also be smaller greenhouses for classroom courses.

Time line

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