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Caleb Wafula

Apr 18, 2017


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The project addresses the contest theme on anticipating climate hazards by proposing to support community early warning mechanisms, by equipping members of the savings group with the necessary climate information services and tools to monitor and mitigate against climate extremes and climate-induced disasters, and alert communities of the impeding danger. Key activities include:  setting up a flexible communication platform built on Frontline SMS and taps into the immense potential of the rising use of mobile phones and IT services, linking group members to the local meteorological department, where they will be able to not only make inquiries but also receive seasonal and short term forecast information in their local languages and dialects to update their farming calendars; Training and orientation of community members on reporting first-hand information, trialing the SMS system; development of climate Information Education Communication (IEC) materials that will be displayed at strategic public locations such as community halls, markets, and schools etc. to avoid distortion of information and for greater visibility of the  seasonal and short term forecast information. Formation of instant messaging groups such as Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp among peers to discuss seasonal and short term forecast information under parameters such as start and end of the rains, total seasonal rainfall amount, ideal period for planting, length of the growing season, which crops will succeed in the upcoming season, perfect time for crop harvesting and availability of market for both the farm produce and livestock.

Caleb Wafula

Apr 18, 2017


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The concrete actions at community level in Bamboo related livelihood activities include: Nomination of members from the savings groups to the Bamboo tree out-grower committee, who will undergo a series of technical training on setting up Bamboo nursery, demonstration plots; business planning, marketing; participatory monitoring and  evidence-based evaluation;  promotion of non-timber forest products (NTFP) micro-enterprises, especially honey through exhibitions. Special emphasis will be laid on Bamboo associated value chain – of generating carbon offsets under the Payment for ecosystem services (PES) programs (e.g. REDD+) by carrying out REDD+ awareness and capacity amongst the savings groups regarding the ecological and economic benefits of Bamboo tree cultivation through community-focused workshops; technical assistance in formulating project idea note (PIN); Project Design Document (PDD); Validation and Registration; Reporting and Verification; From the Bamboo revenue streams, establish a bamboo tree –outgrower trust fund that is sustainable and creditable in the long run.

Caleb Wafula

Apr 18, 2017


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The concrete actions at community level in credit and savings include: Orientation sessions about the VSLA  methodology; facilitate group members to set terms for savings and loans, including interest rates, repayment schedules and penalties for late payments or missed meetings; Review and identify promising opportunities and locations for investment in alternative sources of livelihoods; conduct entrepreneurial, financial and digital literacy training, whereby; leveraging on the mobile-based solutions – including enhanced access to mobile money-Mpesa, Mshwari and bank agents, groups will be encouraged to save regularly, borrow from their group’s fund to diversify their livelihoods, and repay loans with interest; Provision of community-based savings toolkits where the group’s funds are kept; Provide working capital  in form of seed grant to  boost their revolving funds; Initiate linkages/ networks with financial institutions (banks and insurance companies) to  develop customized community insurance products targeting pastoralists and crop famers that will help reduce the cost of asset losses and spur quicker post climatic shock recovery.