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Correcting an issue in Christian science square one which has adversely affected all recorded scientific theorems to date.



      Global warming nutshelled into a sliding scale would be being represented as; “What is good for the hydrogen-based life-form of Sol, may not be healthy for the carbon-based life on Earth, just as what is healthy for carbon-based life may not be good for hydrogen-based life.” Said another way. What UN group two (2) is trying to explain to UN group one (1) is that if you completely cut off the flow of CO2 into our atmosphere our sun will begin to “sputter” and adversely affect our protective magnetosphere leading to the same conclusion your group is concerned about. So as a recap and to make sure we are all on the same everyone is half credit right, what UN group one is trying to drive through UN group two's math is that if the planet becomes devoid of all other life except sentient, the hydrogen processing becomes corrupted and in an analogy acts like trying to run a Ferrari V12 with fully leaded gasoline. For the uninitiated I may well have just told every car buff in the world I get my jolly's by running around and punching out geriatric ladies for the sin that would be against such a magnificent feat of precision engineering, which of course is my entire point; our idea of Solar ecology needs to grow.



Is this proposal for a practice or a project?


What actions do you propose?

Now having the sickly feeling I am about to become in a valet to some very smart people, this in the way I'm about to take the vehicles they have built and driven a long way in their unproven theories, then at the very end hop in for the last hundred feet until those ideas are in their proper spaces. First would be James Lovelock inventor of the electron capture device and his vehicle of “Gaia” theory, while taking nothing away but instead evolving it into a “Sol” theory where each of our stars satellites are in essence vocules in the cellular model, each with a specific purpose in the processing of heavy elements created at the hearts of dead stars and turning that into fusion-able materials. Then there is SETI Astrobiologist Dr. Carol Clealand with her “Shadow biology” hypothesis pointing out that similar to how an earthworm breaks down organic matter in the carbon life cycle, we sentient humans assist in the breakdown of heavy elements such as uranium in weapons of war and in nuclear power generation expediting decay through submersion in heavy water and in this way serve a similar function in the hydrogen life cycle. Then of course since all roads lead to Rome eventually, on a theological scholarly level lets glibly restate the first chapter as Sol's creation, the second about the elements of the garden necessary to keep that creation alive, and the rest once you understand these elements you will understand finding a suitable planet is only half the issue as we must also bring along all of the supporting life if we ever want to make over that system in Sol's own image.


Taking a moment to elaborate that give. My best answer to which is the correct religion is “All of the above,” and a very big part of why I say that is because of the take that it has been the literal interpretation of the first book of Genesis that Christian science has come to idolize in square one. This even against the evidence of every other thing in nature being part of a much more dynamic cycle but even institutions such as NASA continue to project the idea that our solar system is a linear thing with a finite time frame, which could not be further from the truth with proper sentient “gardening”. This is also why physicist have been chasing their tails to quantify an unnecessary fourth force, when the truth is Miguel Alcubierre math has already done so once the true dynamic model is accounted for, manipulating the laws of thermodynamics as they pertain to magnetic polar orientation of objects at different extreme temperatures even in a low micron vacuum environment.


Now hoping you are still hungry for a few more revelations about the Apocalypse that has befallen us and to hammer home its about the journey, not the destination that has been important. #MeToo is to fire as #BLM is to brimstone and #Bornthisway is to fiery lava with the whole hell on earth passage's meant to set us up for success when it comes to that “societal control” necessary to the point that if you cannot understand those groups there simply will not be room in the “tin can” of a Faster Than Light interstellar starship traveling through the heavens. To include such individuals would be inviting failure to any mission, as no matter how “smart” that individual is it would be not only cruel to those that have “grown up” and much more likely to become psychotic when they have no ability to dominate others into their delusions of superiority. Even if time travel were possible it's not like either King Richard or Saladin, give them this explanation then allow the last thousand years just butterfly effect itself into a utopia, more likely one would find themselves running for dear life as either side would have just seen a “crazy” person.


There are of course other very important discovery's incorporated into this such as the Muslim Hijab (veil) working in conjunction with the bodies own Blood Brain Barrier is the best Proper Protective Environmental Equipment to prevent iron within the hemoglobin from short-circuiting the p52 chromosome during mitosis while in the presence of a material or compound the human metabolism is unable to break down naturally. This for the same reasons Kanye West is so particular about no man-made fibers for their lack of that protection, while also highlighting both wisdom and intelligence must also work cohesively if we ever hope to recreate the international polar or geophysical years. This leads me to my final point in there is no rush, until the scientific world can accept out solar system is a living thing, the math to truly “destroy” the world to a point it cannot be fixed is highly improbable even with the warnings of the doomsday clock and presented total yields of the worlds arsenal. The main reason why with real-world examples of Chernobyl, Three Mile Island, and Fukushima; fallout does not actually act the way it is currently modeled in our dynamic solar system.


Lastly to satisfy any questions of what has been so hard about choking this out, a year and a half ago I was crushed against a building with a 72 hour amputation watch. It still feels as though at times I reach for something I want to write in my minds eye, and it dissipates like smoke through my fingers and why without peers I fear I will never be able to find the words to help the world with the information it needs to succeed in the second Elizabethan Renaissance and Romantic era.

Who will take these actions?

United Nations - Surrender what constitutes as my intellectual property to the completion of these ideas in order to give the UN security council the authority it needs to maintain the "Hell on Earth" philosophy and more importantly to make it impossible for any single individual ever hold dominion over others using the absolutely necessary technologies of FTL engines, cure for cancer, or fusion reactor "rights." I think I would be able to scratch out a decent life under the concept of which ship would you feel safer in, the one where I had input with compensation or the one constructed by someone who learned from me and made cost-cutting choices? This while the original works authors since the precedent set by ICC is that an artist cannot plagiarize themselves and my full admission it's their original works should be able to up to the point of the outer atmosphere have total discretion to advance their sciences as they are relevant to those original works without harassment within their individual federal governments.    

Where will these actions be taken?

Solar system scale including proper terraforming of Mars, Venus, and the moon Titan within a much more accelerated time frame that is currently accepted. Eventually culminating in human interstellar colonies.  

In addition, specify the country or countries where these actions will be taken.

United States

Country 2

Palestinian Territories

Country 3

United Kingdom

Country 4


Country 5



What impact will these actions have on greenhouse gas emissions and/or adapting to climate change?

James Lovelock inventor of the electron capture device and his vehicle of “Gaia” theory, while taking nothing away but instead evolving it into a “Sol” theory where each of our stars satellites are in essence vocules in the cellular model, each with a specific purpose in the processing of heavy elements created at the hearts of dead stars and turning that into fusion-able materials. Then there is SETI Astrobiologist Dr. Carol Clealand with her “Shadow biology” hypothesis pointing out that similar to how an earthworm breaks down organic matter in the carbon life cycle, we sentient humans assist in the breakdown of heavy elements such as uranium in weapons of war and in nuclear power generation expediting decay through submersion in heavy water and in this way serve a similar function in the hydrogen life cycle.

What are other key benefits?

Faster Than Light Travel

Cure for Cancer

Quantified Gravity using the three primary forces

Agriculture Cubed through four dimensions to end world hunger

Judic prophet discovered prompting Koran section about the Muslim people dividing (Hint Hassan = Thumbs up ISIS = Thumbs down) Zero apocalypse related deaths for Sun Tzu perfect victory.


What are the proposal’s projected costs?

Upending the world order as it is known. 


Short-term impacts: a possible world peace, intra-solar colonies, Cure for cancer, Initial Interstellar exploration.

Midterm- Inter-solar colonies/humanities eggs out of one basket.

Longterm - Managing Sun iron content and mining that "Cancer" when it exceeds what is necessary for correcting the orbits of its satellites (Blackspots, multiple axis, and variable rotation speeds within those axis.) This to increase the lifespan of our star, materials for ship construction (cant mine all of earth iron or the stars have nothing left to "grab" on to for maintaining our orbit) 

About the author(s)

Vincent Call: Did not get my Eagle but there was not a single freak, geek, outcast, or Neo-punk that went through my high school between 99-05 that does not have a Diploma or GED equivalent with most having some college. Do not have a degree because went to a for-profit institution, made it to the capstone course, for that instructor to accuse me of cheating even after "using every anti-cheat resource available" and a copy of the handwritten outline in her box two weeks before then subsequently ghost me the student to the counselors office mantra of "you should have listened to the professor" all because "this project is way to well written and informative to have been written by someone like you(me)" Until my accident and being crushed against the wall of a big box retail store I had worked full time during my adult life since the first Monday after graduating high school, at times holding down multiple jobs, with the last working for a Heating Ventilation and Air Circulation HVAC contractor CA#809302 with Title 24 experience to the point I liked to say that I practiced the laws of thermal dynamics the same way a medical doctor practices medicine and a lawyer practices law.   

Related Proposals



James Lovelock: Gaia Theory, specifically as it pertains to the Daisy world computer model 

Carol Cleland: Seti Astrobiologist "Shadow Biologies" 

World Health Organization: Cancer mortality rates per 100,000 (religious rejection of an invention Muslims to this day celebrate for arresting the period of time known as the missing link, those families whose mothers wore the protection were healthier than those who did not require only observation and process of elimination through those generations especially considering stunted lifespans to the point "I think therefore I am" may have been born of this observation and a desire to secure a sense of immortality through progeny)