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Resources that are used in city area can be recycled. We can elongate the self-life of services being used so as to obtain standard of life.


Summary / Résumé

Everything which are being used as resources in city area to generate benefits to the public from their aspect have potentiality of recycling. The once used resources can be re-evaluated  in order to make it easily affordable for those public which can only achieve those resources if they would meet the life standards of first time users of resources. Producers or the sellers of city resources will have positive beliefs for this techniques as they will get totally new customers. The high standard living population could be their primary customer but with re-evaluation process there will be another group of people who can afford the same service used by primary customers. 

Vendors involved in producing the resources for city area are to be brought under regulation of environment safety and health safety. Until and unless resource producers can produce recyclable,environment friendly and healthy products consumers will be compelled to use products which are designed to benefit only the business vendors. 

As certain percent of a family members will only contribute in purchasing the city resources where other will be using them, users can be made aware of generating income from the process of recycling. Making each and every users aware of financial and health benefits if they recycle the resources, goals can be achieved.

What actions do you propose? / Quelles actions proposez-vous?

Properly monitored and drafted action strategy based on following master plan can be used for above presented proposal:

Identification of city resources and their targeted users.

Setting criteria of resources as catalytic and blocker of environment destruction from any aspects.

After filtering the resources: those posing high risk to environment needs to be taken in to consideration for product modification assuring less environmental destruction or at least recycling after re-evaluation.

Users of those resources posing high risk to environment they live in and health of their own are to be made aware of consequences and the way they can manage to avoid such resources searching alternative resources.

Offering producers of resources a positive outcome target to assure they will not offend the changes requested to them.

Put influence on local government bodies to make and implement new policies as required.


Which types of stakeholders are involved, in which way? / Quels types de parties prenantes sont impliqués, de quelle façon?

Private Sectors: Private sectors can be both producers and sellers of city resources. They are to be taken care of very gently and with their benefits in mind.

Public Sectors: Public sectors can be consumer of city resources. Their proper awareness can bring revolution. Implementation of new design and product which are resources of city first needs to be adopted with public and then environment cordially.

Government Bodies: No products or resources will be allowed to be presented to consumer until government allows them to. So proper formulation of strategy in order to make best influence of politicians and government to their public and society needs to be gained.

How could the actions be scaled up at the neighborhood or city level? / Comment serait-il possible d'augmenter la portée des actions à l'échelle des quartiers ou de la ville?

Most of the resources are being consumed in city area. Highest contribution for environmental destruction are being made in city area. Encouraging city public for recycling of resources will assist in less damage to environment. 

Equally motivation of resources producers for environment friendly products can be made in cities as they will directly be affected from the adverse effects of climate change.

Inheritance of cities are the most frequent users of any modern resources which may or may not be causing environment destruction. So their acceptance of environment and their health as vital points can deeply contribute in protecting earth from city pollution.

What impact will these actions have on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting to climate change? / Quels impacts auront ces actions sur la réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre et l'adaptation aux changements climatiques?

A large number of public encouraged to recycle their daily resources will help in less production of green house gases.

Producers of city resources will be compelled to manufacture environment friendly products.

Recycling the usable and not usable resources contributing in environment destruction will make most in order to control pollution. 

Sustainable effects against climate change can be approached.

What are the other environmental, economic or social benefits? / Quels sont les autres bénéfices environnementaux, économiques et sociaux?

Reduction of greenhouse gas emission due to less production

Other pollution level will decrease as a result of recycling process.

Public will get direct economic advantage because primary consumer can sell again after re-evaluation and other can buy the same for less price.

Consumer will be more healthy after being environmentally conscious and resources being environment friendly.

What are the most innovative aspects and main strengths of this approach? / Quels sont les aspects novateurs et les principales forces de cette approche?

Re-evaluation and environmment friendliness of resources.

What are the proposal’s projected costs? / Quels sont les coûts projetés de la proposition?

Not sure

What are the potential challenges or obstacles? / Quels sont les défis ou les obstacles potentiels?

Producers of non environment friendly resources and their related sellers will offend this approach. We need to tackle them. 

About the authors / À propos des auteur(e)s

Nature lover and Tourism Entrepreneur 

References / Références

Nabin Dhital