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Consumption of Products & Services 2014

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Mar 9, 2014 08:00 EDT - Jul 20, 2014 11:59 EDT
Semi-Finalist selection
Expert judges select semi-finalists

Jul 21, 2014 12:00 EDT - Aug 5, 2014 08:00 EDT
Proposal revisions
Semi-finalists can improve their proposals

Aug 5, 2014 08:01 EDT - Aug 16, 2014 11:59 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Aug 16, 2014 08:00 EDT - Sep 3, 2014 12:59 EDT
Voting period
Public Voting Period

Sep 3, 2014 12:00 EDT - Oct 2, 2014 12:00 EDT
Winners awarded
Winners are announced for the Judges’ and Popular Choice Awards

Oct 2, 2014 12:01 EDT
How can we reduce consumption of goods and services that, by their manufacture or use, emit greenhouse gases?

Consumption by humans of food, energy, clothing and other goods and services is tied to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which in turn drive climate change. This contest seeks innovative and effective proposals that address any strategy for reducing GHG emissions associated with the production, transportation or use of goods and services. Click here for contest details

27 Proposals
Design a coloured shelving system for grocery products based on carbon footprint,to help consumers make better-informed choices.
With iCarbon, selecting the brands and activities with the lowest CO2 emissions just got easier! Know your score and change key habits.
Normative is an app for ethical consumption. By scanning your purchase, Normative visualize its and your own impact on the world.
Food bikes are the low capital, low footprint alternative to food trucks, bringing positive economic and community development.
Bring back the sidewalk lemonade stands.
Encouraging reuse and raising funds for charity through the sale of an electronic barter currency used to purchase second-hand goods
Goods - tax are small parts of this proposal
Capture rainwater and irrigate. Lower cost topology H2O-efficient intelligent irrigation. More food with less water.
With EnergyCoin ecosystem energy saving circles can be established. It is a green cryptocurrency specially developed for saving energy.
People can keep their vehicles for a 4 year term instead of 3. This will reduce the manufacturers CO2 footprint by 33%. GM won't like this.
As Global LandLord, make it global human policy to reduce pollution by reducing consumption by reducing population growth to zero or lower.
Engine works on auto, truck, ship, etc. Very powerful. Built 20 years ago and siiiting in storage. Need funding to cut emissions by 2/3 !!
Empower government, industry and consumers to make decisions that will truly transform economies towards a sustainable future
It is a simple change that everyone can make to reduce a large portion of their use of water daily.
Use one paper towel after washing your hands in public places, and use a cloth towel in your own home.
Give to customers a way to know which products create less greenhouse gases and encourage them to purchase them by giving them rewards.
The clubbing of industries will help to reduce the GHGs emissions just like how the expenses of a joint family is less than nuclear families
As we walk by we can see numerous industries giving out GHgs,
Intense yoga practitioners consume food only once a day while moderate practitioners consume twice. Low consumption also leads to wellbeing.
There's a data gap between product sale and recyclability. Turn data into knowledge and leverage social networks for better, local choices.
Sustainability is to continue. Current technology is proving to be self-destructive, possibly suicidal. Change is the only viable solution.
Report and disclose embodied energy in all products from food to building materials using a familiar human-scale unit - the calorie.
Distributed costs like Global Warming are reduced by a Distributed Cost Permit Exchange System laying orthogonally to existing markets
Reduce GHGs from consumption? What a bandaid. Reduce consumption itself by dealing with the Jobs/status problem and dual stuff/info economy.
The biggest problem in the world is that enough people are not working on the biggest problems.