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Shifting cultures for a changing climate 2013

VIEW Proposals
Proposal creation

CoLab members create proposals

Jun 1, 2012 12:00 EDT - Jun 16, 2013 02:59 EDT
Finalist selection
Expert judges select finalists

Jun 16, 2013 03:00 EDT - Jun 30, 2013 11:59 EDT
Proposal revisions
Finalists can improve their proposals

Jul 1, 2013 12:00 EDT - Jul 15, 2013 11:59 EDT
Selection of winners
CoLab members vote and judges also select winners

Jul 16, 2013 12:00 EDT - Aug 31, 2013 11:59 EDT
Winners are awarded

Sep 1, 2013 12:00 EDT
What can be done to shift cultural attitudes on climate change to inspire action?

With ever increasing certainty, the scientific community agrees on the causes and likely consequences of global climate change, and on the scale of response needed to guard against its risks. The public, however, in the U.S. and globally, remains deeply divided on the causes and severity of the issue and the actions required. Efforts have too rarely inspired the public to understand the personal relevance of the issue and the kinds of actions they can take. This contest seeks proposals for efforts that will shift public perception and overcome individual and institutional barriers to understand the urgency of climate change risk and to take both immediate and long-term action. See more…

38 Proposals
Meet CliO! A virtual green pet who responds with your low-carbon lifestyle choices.
Climate Access builds support for climate action by connecting leaders across sectors to coordinate efforts and solve outreach challenges.
Spectrum of "green" rating system Facebook app and/or search plugin with supportive website for innovation and action, globally and locally.
Let's make climate change personal--with a map to show Americans how floods, storms and wildfire could impact their homes and businesses.
A satirical approach to engaging mainstream millennial audiences on the anthropogenic causes of climate change.
Imagine the cultural shift that would occur if TV meteorologists across the country were discussing climate change as an objective fact.
Africa contributes the least of any continent to global warming. People living on the continent are in line to be the hardest hit.[1,2]
Fundraising to place ads in media, in order to increase public awareness
Groups around the world, have implemented successful campaigns to address local issues. We want to make this information widely available!
Base money on energy. People will think differently about energy, conserving and collecting energy.
Develop & implement an international digital platform connecting consumers & producers to create & anchor sustainable behaviors.
When using energy (most of time uncounsciouly), people do not realize that they are actually exploring resources of the natural enviroment.
Development of an online magazine to enable the translation of scientific issues to society, to challenge perceptions and to inspire people.
Research national climate change policy in other countries to develop a recommended public policy process for the United States.
Shift the culture of research by improving research communication and translation for policymakers and the general public
In order to solve all of our global problems - including climate change - academia needs to devote itself to seeking and promoting wisdom.
Earth system expressions for inspired collective actions
The revitalization of the world's grasslands offer a opportunity to address the imminent threat of climate change & its host of challenges.
Future proofing Living Landscape Approach: building resilient communities to sustain and restore ecosystems to adapt to changing climate
What cultural frames are used by workteams around energy conservation; does aligning conservation campaigns with such frames improve uptake?
Do not look for a job, do the job that needs to get done!
In order to create real action, we need to co-opt traditionally conservative groups by disassociating the movement from the "Sierra Clubs."
Assuming U.S. culture is heavily influenced by Hollywood and the Internet, we propose to influence culture through a combination of both.
Make atmospheric CO2 readings ubiquitous and widely understood as a stepping stone to atmospheric stabilization and biospheric habitability.
Our Mission: To set up a more personal means of educating people in our local communities - Learn a little, make a change, and pass it on!
Time to change the term. We now realize our use of fossil fuels is causing more than climate change, we are causing rapid planet change.
Promote climate change action in the evangelical community through science, outdoors, and faith-based curriculum at summer camps.
Linking knowledge and action on sustainability by focusing on consumption and utilizing schools as hubs for social change on community level
A judgewiki is a spreadsheet which people can edit and run "what-ifs" with the same global participation as wikis of text and pictures.
Nature provides the energy, we provide the technology; together we can power the world.
Two-degrees-of-separation aims to encourage people to reduce their personal carbon emissions by creating reciprocal pacts between partners.
CO2 is like any human excrement. Babies catapult seaweed forest seed pods to combat ocean acidification. Games explain in all languages.
The world's many climate campaign leaders need to talk together and co-ordinate their efforts. We create a tool to kick-start a new unity.
Early 1970's, a professor sent students into a city of approximately 73,000 people to ask questions and then Project Censored was born.
Questioning personal & authoritative mental models & frameworks to derive better solutions requires new cognitive frameworks.